Research & Education
Japan has solid foundations for life science. Researchers are seeking to unravel the mysteries of life and discover cures for disease. Educators are eager to mentor students and nurture the next generation of scientists. In 1983, Yodosha launched a monthly review journal named Jikken Igaku (Experimental Medicine). It has been supporting researchers in the fields of genetics, molecular cell biology, immunology, neuroscience, and biotechnology. From textbooks and protocols, to dictionaries and how-to guides, we also publish several kinds of books in both print and digital formats. We are constantly developing a variety of content together with professionals and leaders in this field.
Clinical Care
Japan is one of the world’s fastest aging nations. In the medical field, doctors and other healthcare professionals are helping maintain people’s lives and offering high-quality care. To support their efforts, Yodosha publishes two periodicals, Resident Note and G Note (General Practice Note). We also provide practical books on topics such as primary care, diagnosis, therapeutic medicine, rehabilitation, and clinical research. In this age of constant diversity, reliable information is the most essential tool for medical professionals. We believe that Japan’s medical approaches will help shape the future of healthcare around the world.
As a Science and Medical Media Publisher
Yodosha is an active member in Japan’s life science and medical community as a specialized publisher. Since 1979, we have created thousands of professional publications, and we offer the opportunity for front-line researchers and doctors to write articles. Utilizing their science backgrounds, our expert editorial staff understand exactly how to explain specialized information. We seek to provide reliable content with comprehensive illustrations and clear explanations. We are proud professionals of science and medical media.