本連載が大幅加筆して単行本『ハーバードでも通用した 研究者の英語術』になりました!
Dear Dr. Miller,
It was a pleasure meeting you at the Immunology conference in Boston. This was my first visit to the city and I appreciate the sightseeing suggestions you made. I particularly enjoyed walking through Charlestown as well as the Freedom Walk. And the Duck Tour was quite enjoyable as well. I found your presentation at the conference quite fascinating and very close to my own interests. I have already done some work exploring how signaling through toll-like receptors results in the activation of macrophages and in the induction of gene expression. Reading the literature I see that other groups have successfully examined gene expression profiles using total RNA and microarray technology to identify various important microphage-signaling pathways in response to dsRNA and lipopolysaccharide. In my opinion, although this is clearly where the future of this line of research lies, it remains only partially explored. There is still much work to be done and I would like to explore this line of research under your direction. Thus, I would like to formally apply for a postdoctoral position at your laboratory. Please let me know what application materials I should provide for your consideration. Thank you.
Hitoshi Okada
非常に丁寧な日本語の手紙をそのまま英訳したようなメールです.ボストンの学会で話しができたことのお礼と挨拶から始まり,自分の仕事の近況をつらつらと報告し(この時点では,このメールがただの近況報告なのか,目的が読者にはわからない),そして最後から一つ手前の文章“Thus, I would like to formally apply for a post-doctoral position at your laboratory.”になって初めて,このメールの目的がジョブ・アプリケーションであることがわかります.このままでは,単なる挨拶のメールと勘違いされ,メールの最後に添付したあなたのCVにも気づかれない可能性すらあります.
Dear Dr. Miller,
I would like to formally apply for a postdoctoral position in your lab. It was a pleasure meeting you at the Immunology conference in Boston. I found your presentation at the conference quite fascinating and very close to my own interests. I have already done some work exploring how signaling through toll-like receptors results in the activation of macrophages and in the induction of gene expression. Reading the literature I see that other groups have successfully examined gene expression profiles using total RNA and microarray technology to identify various important microphage-signaling pathways in response to dsRNA and lipopolysaccharide. I would like to explore this line of research under your direction. Thank you again for speaking with me in Boston. This was my first visit to the city and I appreciate the sightseeing suggestions you made. Please let me know what application materials I should provide for your consideration. Thank you.
Dr. Hitoshi Okada
推敲例1:英文のビジネス・メールでは(とくに米国の場合は,カジュアルで機能的なコミュニケーション・スタイルが好まれるので),日本語でのビジネス・メールにくらべ,前置きや挨拶をできる限り短くして,なるべく早く本題に入るのが原則です.そこで,まずメールの目的がジョブ・アプリケーションとわかるように“I would like to formally apply for a post-doctoral position at your laboratory.”を一番最初に持ってきて推敲例1のように書き直してみます.トピック・センテンスを最初に持ってくることにより,言いたいことは明確に伝わるようになりました.しかし,全体がひとつのパラグラフで読みにくく,意味が取りづらいをいう難点があります.また,余白の少ないメールは取っつきにくく,読みたい気持ちになりにくいものです.
Photo: Liza Green (Harvard Focus)