本連載が大幅加筆して単行本『ハーバードでも通用した 研究者の英語術』になりました!
The Elements of Style by William Strunk and E.B. White ? published by Longman.
At just over 100 pages in length, this classic and concise reference guide to English usage, grammar, punctuation, and style is the perfect companion for anyone wishing to improve their written English.
Although it is not meant to be an all-encompassing discussion of writing in English, there is no finer single volume that so clearly distills the basics rules and concepts for those (native English speakers included) who wish to write well in English. It is a clear, compact, indispensable, and very affordable guide (@ $10 USD new).
(Please note: Neither Dr. Shimaoka or Mr. Moore have any affiliation with the authors or publishers of this book, nor do they benefit in any way from its sale; its recommendation is meant only as a helpful suggestion.)
Photo: Liza Green (Harvard Focus)