本連載が大幅加筆して単行本『ハーバードでも通用した 研究者の英語術』になりました!
Dear Dr. Williams,
It was a pleasure meeting you at the Immunology conference in Boston and I would like to accept your invitation to become a Visiting Scholar for 3 months beginning in June 2010. As we discussed, I hope to learn the techniques including intravital microscopy, multi-photon microscopy, flow cytometry, and homing assays. Regarding multi-photon microscopy, I especially would like to become proficient at excitation fluorescence and laser scanning microscopy. I would also be grateful for any information you can provide me regarding accommodations in the Boston area, the J-1 Visa process, Countway Library privileges, animal protocols, and a human resources contact to discuss my travel stipend. Will you be attending the Keystone Symposium at Taos in March? I will be attending and would like to discuss the current state of my lymph node project with you. I think the data generated thus far is quite interesting, but I would be grateful for your advice on how to best proceed. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you very much.
Dr. Takashi Hamada
浜田さんのメールの「A、B、C、and D」という並列は文法的には正しいのですが、本文を非常に読みにくくしています。こういう場合には積極的にリストを使うことを考えましょう。
Dear Dr. Miller,
It was a pleasure meeting you at the Immunology conference in Boston and I would like to accept your invitation to become a Visiting Scholar for 3 months beginning in June 2010.
As we discussed, I hope to learn these techniques:
I would also be grateful for any information you can provide me regarding the following:
Will you be attending the Keystone Symposium at Taos in March? I will be attending and would like to discuss the current state of my lymph node project with you. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you very much.
Dr. Hitoshi Okada
推敲例1:このように「A、B、C、and D」という並列をリストで表すことによりメールが非常に読みやすくなります。このメールでは前半では学びたい4つのテクニック、後半では必要な5つの情報が見やすく整理されています。こうすることにより、メールの目的が鮮明になります。
Photo: Liza Green (Harvard Focus)